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Choosing Your Sponsor

Every agent that joins Keller Williams needs to name a sponsor. What is a sponsor? A sponsor is the person that was most impactful to you in your decision to join KW. This may be the first person you speak with at your local Market Center or it could be the last. This decision is absolutely, 100% yours to make. It’s an important decision because once you make it, it’s irrevocable so you need to be sure.

Why Is Naming a Sponsor So Important?

If you already read the page on KW Profit Share, you know that it’s through the sponsorship of others that you’re able to grow your downline and earn passive income….forever. Remember, when you name someone as your sponsor, they receive a profit share from the Market Center you signed with whenever you close a sale in a profitable month. The more people that name that person as their sponsor, the more profit share that sponsor will earn. As an new agent, you want to make sure you get as much support as you can. At KW, you’ll find many people within your Market Center to support you; your productivity coach, your Team Leader, your Broker and other experienced agents are all there to lend a hand in showing you the ropes.

What Role Does Your Sponsor Play?

By now, you’re scratching your head thinking “If there are all these people to help me succeed, what does my sponsor do for me?” Well, it’s a great question. Sponsorship means different things to different people. Some people will look at their sponsor as a mentor, others may just be grateful to them for bringing them into KW. You see, it’s all about relationships. If you’re okay with naming a sponsor that won’t do much to assist you once you join KW, then by all means do so. Again, I cannot stress this enough; naming your sponsor is YOUR decision and no one else’s. Do not let anyone pressure you into a choice.

Why I Sponsor Agents

When I joined Keller Williams, I was a new agent and extremely green around the gills. I knew I wanted this but was a bit intimidated by it all. I mean, I had just taken a 75hr pre-licensing course, passed my state exam and got my license but, where do I start? First stop, productivity training. I owe so much of my success in real estate to my productivity coach. She’s the one that lit the fire in me. She pushed me to my limits and it has paid off. But she wasn’t my sponsor. My sponsor is the Market Center’s Team Leader. While she’s an awesome realtor, I learned that her responsibilities take up most of her time and that she isn’t necessarily the mentor I needed. I don’t regret my decision at all. At the time, my sponsor was everything to me. She introduced me to KW and I was extremely grateful for the opportunity. Once I was entrenched in KW culture, I learned that being a sponsor can become very lucrative if you can recruit good talent. KW offers EVERY AGENT the opportunity to join the KW Profit Share Program by recruiting agents to join Keller Williams.

What My Sponsorship Offers You

Just because you passed your state exam and got your Real Estate License, you think you’re ready to hit the ground running, right? Well, unfortunately, that’s not exactly true. KW will give you the agent training and the tools you need to be successful as a realtor but, there are some things you’ll need to learn too.

When you join, you’ll be given access to KW Command, the Keller Williams ecosystem. This is where everything happens. KW Command is where your CRM (Client Relationship Manager) and your KW website live. The CRM is very powerful and is used to track everything about your clients and your business. This is where you’ll add your contacts from your various contact lists (trust me, you’ve more than one – on your phone, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.) and you’ll begin to reach out to people in your “sphere of influence”. With built-in marketing tools that integrate with your social media pages, you can launch advertising campaigns. All of this will happen within your first 30 days as a new agent. Don’t stress out. You’re in a program that is designed to help you succeed by teaching you how to use the tools at your disposal. Within a few weeks, you’ll be in command of Command!

There’s A Lot To Learn

As you can see (if you watched the video) there’s a lot to learn. As a new real estate agent, you need to have a digital presence. Yes, KW will provide you with a basic KW website that is yours to customize. There are many training videos available through KW University and on YouTube that show you how it’s done. If you feel comfortable customizing your website, by all means do so. You’ll also need a business page on your social media sites. Again, there are training videos to watch that will walk you through the process step by step.

There are plenty of KW consultants that will do the customization for you (for a price). However, many agents choose to ignore the value of a digital presence altogether. They are more concerned with building their real estate business than learning how to make a fancy website. That’s unfortunate because most new home-buyers are millennials who do EVERYTHING online! You want a professional looking site that differentiates your from your competitors. You need a leg up on people who have been doing this for 30+ years! That’s what I offer you; a competitive chance at success.

Like I said, there are plenty of KW consultants out there that you can outsource your web development to. In fact, I am one of them. I can turn a basic KW website into an interactive experience for your customers and provide resources to them that your competitors (maybe even your fellow KW agents) don’t. The cost can be upwards of $1,000 but I GIVE THIS AWAY to all of the agents I sponsor because I want to show them I AM INVESTED IN THEIR SUCCESS!

What You’ll Get From Me

To me, being your sponsor is a big responsibility. It means I can help a new agent meet or exceed their goals. Every new agent says they want the same thing but often times, they’re not willing to put the effort in to it. A career in real estate can bring you the financial freedom you desire but it will take work. As my productivity coach always told me, you will get out of real estate exactly what you put in. Work hard, and it’ll be rewarding. It’s up to you. It’s for this reason that I only sponsor those individuals who are fully committed to this journey. I love to sponsor new agents but only do so when I feel they will benefit from the additional tools and mentorship I can provide.  Truth be told, building out a new agent’s website, social media presence and providing the digital guidance they need takes time. My time. So I only devote it to people that I believe will use it wisely.

See For Yourself

I want to give you a better chance of success by kickstarting your new business with an enhanced KW website, registering your new business on Google (you want to be found, right?), creating your Facebook Business page with you via Zoom and providing you with real-time examples of how to market yourself and your new business. You can see below what happens when you do a Google Search on my real estate business, Houses By Evan.

A quick search will show my Google Ad, Google Business Profile and all of the ways to find my business: my KW website, my Facebook Business page, my YouTube channel, Instagram, etc. Please take some time to go through my social media pages. Take a look at all the different platforms to reach me on. This is what you want a Google search on you to return; everything about your business!

The Rest Is Up To You

Regardless of whether you ask me to be your sponsor or not, I’m here to support you. Feel free to reach out to me directly anytime. But if you’re ready to begin your new career in real estate right now, are committed to being successful and, would like me to sponsor you then click the button below. Fill out the form on the following page and then book time on my calendar to discuss the next steps in your journey!